General Questions

Where are you located?

There are so many ways for us to connect! The Mobility Health Physical Therapy office is located at this address (by appointment only):

129 West 29th StreetNew York, NY 10001

(2-minute walk from N and R East 28th Street subway station)

We can also come to you for your physical therapy!

Finally, we can meet online. If you are in New York, Connecticut, or New Jersey, online sessions are also available.

Where do I park?
Metered parking is outside the building.
How do I set up an appointment?

To make an appointment, just give us a call at (212) 499-4962.

Or you can Start The Process here.

How do I pay?

We accept most major credit cards on our website.

You can also send PayPal payments to DrGina@mobilityhealthpt.com.

Do you take insurance?

Yes, we do take most major insurances. Your insurance must be verified before your first visit.

Please provide us with your insurance card information or provide us with a copy of the front and back
of your insurance card.

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel or reschedule an appointment as long as you provide 24 hours’ notice.

If you cancel or “no show” an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, you will be charged for the full appointment.

Is your office handicap accessible?
Yes, we are located on the second floor, but there is an elevator.

Physical Therapy Questions

How long are sessions?

In-person sessions last between 45 minutes and one hour.

Online sessions range between 30 and 45 minutes.

Are all appointments one-on-one?
Yes! All appointments are one-on-one.
With what age ranges do you work?

Typically, I work with adults between 18 and 64.

What happens in a Physical Therapy session?

The sessions typically involve a body assessment conducted by the physical therapist, patient education, and some form of exercise.

Why do I have to do these exercises? Will some of them make me sore?
You’re not required to complete these exercises. However, If you would like to get better, it’s essential for your steady healing and improvement to return to normal activities. Some exercises cause soreness, but that is important to build muscle strength and endurance.
What should I wear during my physical therapy session?
Wear loose-fitting, comfortable workout clothing.
Will you give me assignments to work on between sessions?
Yes, a unique and specific home exercise routine will be given to you.
Do you prescribe medication?
Medication is not prescribed in Physical Therapy. You’ll receive exercise instructions and wellness recommendations.
Do you take notes?

Yes, notes are taken during or written after each session. That’s how we keep track of your progress.

So if you catch me writing something down, I promise I’m not practicing my art skills or just doodling on the paper

Has anyone ever cried in therapy?
Yes, a marathon runner during her first successful run after ACL surgery.

Questions About Me

What is your professional training and expertise?
I have a Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) from Long Island University and 15 years of experience in orthopedic care and sports injuries.
What do you enjoy most about being a physical therapist?

Helping people get stronger and seeing them get back to their normal life without limitation.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not doing physical therapy?

Traveling the world,

Practicing yoga daily,

Spending time with my family,

Stepping over kids’ toys left in the living room,

Reasoning with a 1-year-old, whose only vocabulary word is “No,”

And baking cookies!