Physical Therapy in Midtown Manhattan
Physical Therapy in Midtown Manhattan, New York City
Mobility Health Physical Therapy is located at 129 West 29th Street, New York, NY. Our office services all neighborhoods within Midtown Manhattan. And if you can’t make it to us, we come to you! Click here to learn more about our Mobile Physical Therapy.
Be sure to give us a call to schedule a physical therapy appointment if you are seeking:
Chelsea Physical Therapy
Clinton Physical Therapy
Columbus Circle Physical Therapy
Diamond District Physical Therapy
Flatiron District Physical Therapy
Garment District Physical Therapy
Hell’s Kitchen Physical Therapy
Herald Square Physical Therapy
Kips Bay Physical Therapy
Midtown East Physical Therapy
Midtown West Physical Therapy
Murray Hill Physical Therapy
Penn Station Physical Therapy
Sutton Place Physical Therapy
Theater District Physical Therapy
Times Square Physical Therapy
Turtle Bay Physical Therapy
The above neighborhoods correspond to the following zip codes:
Chelsea: 10001, 10011, 10018, 10019
Clinton: 10001, 10019
Columbus Circle: 10019
Diamond District: 10018
Flatiron District: 10010
Garment District: 10001, 10018
Hell’s Kitchen: 10018, 10019, 10036
Herald Square: 10001, 10018
Kips Bay: 10010, 10016
Midtown East: 10017, 10022
Midtown West: 10019, 10036
Murray Hill: 10016, 10017
Penn Station: 10001
Sutton Place: 10022
Theater District: 10018, 10019
Times Square: 10018, 10036
Turtle Bay: 10017, 10022
Physical Therapy 10001
Physical Therapy 10010
Physical Therapy 10011
Physical Therapy 10016
Physical Therapy 10017
Physical Therapy 10018
Physical Therapy 10019
Physical Therapy 10022
Physical Therapy 10036
Check out other service areas of Mobility Health PT
Downtown Lower Manhattan
New York City
Schedule An Appointment Today!
Schedule your physical therapy appointment with Mobility Health today or call (212) 499-4962 to experience the future of physical therapy in Midtown New York firsthand.
What We Offer
It’s time to commit to change.
Taking time for yourself is essential to alleviating the pain you’re feeling.
Don’t let demanding work schedules or family responsibilities keep you from living pain-free.
Take the time and make that change now. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation.